Akira Mii

What is tonkotsu ramen? - Workshop

The online seminar will be March 4th, at 4pm (JST)
This may be the most famous type of ramen in the world. It’s been popular to the point where many across the world recognize some tonkotsu-related words, such Hakata – the area in Japan is said to be the birthplace for the original tonkotsu, which literally means “pork bones”.


1. What are the most common variety of “tonkotsu ramen”?
2. What are the most common variety of “tonkotsu ramen”? 
3. How are these types of ramen made from scratch?
While there are certain ideas that people have about tonkotsu ramen, which may vary depending on a person, but what really is tonkotsu ramen? Because tonkotsu means “pork bones”, is any ramen with soup made from pork bones can be called “tonkotsu ramen”?

We are going to address these questions, and dive into the basics of tonkotsu ramen on Mar. 4th. at 4PM (JST)

This workshop should help you get started on exploring your own tonkotsu ramen.


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